Sunday, November 9, 2008

On the road home...

No pictures to post just yet, but I thought I'd let everyone know that I'm finally on my way home. My team convoyed from Camp Clark to FOB Salerno. From there, a Blackwater flight to Bagram Air Base. Then a helicopter ride to Kabul International Airport, then another convoy to Camp Phoenix in Kabul, then another convoy back to Bagram and a flight to Kuwait. What a major pain in the ass. If only the Army could figure out how to move people inteligently. Your tax dollars at work, folks. I'm in Kuwait right now preparing to turn in a lot of gear, including my M-4 carbine, M-9 Beretta pistol, and my body armor. I can't wait to be rid of it all. I'm flying back to the states on the 13th. I'm flying into Baltimore, then to Norfolk via La Guardia for release from active duty. From there to Oakland, then finally home. I hope to be in Oakland on the 21st, but might even be there a few days earlier than that.

I'm also happy to report that my birthday (November 8th) was uneventful, and my first full day outside the combat zone. Pretty good by my standards. And today the mighty Florida Gators soundly trounced Vanderbilt. Another good day. See you at the SEC championship, Alabama.